MMA Betting Sites

Written by: Daniel Collins
Last Updated: Tue Feb 16, 2021, 13:28 PM
Read Time: 4 minutes
Mixed Martial Arts has come a long way in the 25 years since its start as a broadcast sport. Back in the 1990s, there weren’t really any MMA athletes – everyone had one particular skill, and they all fought against one another. These days, the sport has evolved, with competitors having to train in several disciplines to be able to fight in a truly mixed style.
The growth of the sport of MMA has had an effect on gambling as well. Gone are the days when boxing was the only “big-time” event to gamble on – with hundreds of pay-per-view events under its belt, the UFC is now a larger draw than most boxing title matches that take place. Betting on these MMA events is big business, and given the appeal of the sport to a younger demographic, online sites are clamoring to attract new players to their platforms.
Not every betting site is equipped for MMA wagering, so we are going to look at the attributes of a top-rated site, as well as giving you some recommendations of our favorite places to bet on MMA fights.
Features of a Good MMA Betting Site
As most MMA fighting works along the same format as boxing, many betting sites are built to be able to handle the types of bets being placed on these fighters. However, that doesn’t mean that they are all the same. We review every site to make sure it has all the things we want for our readers, which includes the following set of attributes.
Leagues available
Most people know about the UFC, but you may not realize how many other leagues and sanctioned MMA events there are on a weekly basis around the world. We look at sites to see which ones offer the most variety for MMA bettors. We want players to be able to bet on as many fights as possible, not just the major title events of the UFC. Some sites don’t want to have the knowledge base on staff to be able to properly set lines for smaller fights, so we encourage players to head to sites that seem to have built that expertise.
Prop bets
MMA matches are not very long – between 3 and 5 rounds. However, during those rounds, many things take place that could be bet on, such as the number of landed strikes, the length of the match, and many others. The best MMA Betting sites offer players the most prop bets so you can wager on more than the outcome of a match.
Live Streaming
While the majority of the larger matches are Pay Per View events that require you to purchase the broadcast, there are hundreds of other MMA fights being broadcast from all over the world. If you find a site that is offering odds on some of these smaller events, then you also want to be able to watch them (more on that to follow). We have seen an increase in the number of betting sites that offer Live Streaming of many sports including MMA. Our reviews detail which sites offer this service and how it is administered.
Live Betting Options
If you have watched any type of fighting before, you will know that there are ebbs and flows to every match. This is the same in MMA, even though the fights are shorter in length. When you are betting on these fights, being able to get odds on who will win the fight while the fight is going on is a great way to stay active, especially if you think there will be an upset one way or another. Not every site offers live betting for MMA, so we do the research for you to find the sites that allow you to bet as the fight is taking place.
The Best MMA Betting Sites
With MMA still a growing sport, there are some sites which are clearly better than others when it comes to giving you betting options. After reviewing many betting sites available today, we have compiled a list of some of the best for you below. These sites are the ones that our reviewers believe give players the best combination of promotions, bet types, matches offered and customer service. All this adds up to a great experience, which is really the most important thing for anyone making bets online (aside from winning the bets of course!)
AS the sport of MMA continues to grow globally, there will be more and more matches to be able to view and bet on from different countries. Along with this will come more betting options and methods and this page will stay up to date with the changes in the space to ensure you are choosing the best MMA betting sites for your needs.
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